Electromagnetic BioBand & SmartDot 5G

Electromagnetic BioBand & SmartDot 5G

Protect yourself against harmful electromagnetic radiation energy from 5G, wi-fi, mobiles, computers and tablets.


Includes the following:


  1. Bio Clip which is a bio EnergyDOT designed to offer personal protection from other people’s devices when on the move, whilst rebalancing your energy fiel to give you a natural energy boost.


  1. One SmartDOT which is designed to be applied as a sticker to any wireless device to stop harmful energy directly at source by returning the EMF (electromagnetic field) radiation.




How do energy dots work?


The DOT itself is a low power magnet acting as a storage device. Magnets are often used to store information for example a video tape, tape cassette and magnetic stripe on a bank card all act as storage devices.


  • energyDOTs are activated by Programmed Harmonic Interface Technology® (developed exclusively by Global EMF Solutions Ltd). This activation is similar to homeopathic medicine or other vibrational remedies, where an energy signature is stored in a solid substance.
  • each energyDOT® is programmed with naturally occurring bio-energetic information signatures according to its purpose
  • the powerful resonance held by energyDOTs® acts like a tuning fork on electromagnetic fields in its immediate environment.
  • it re-tunes man-made EMFs to a natural harmonic by a process known as the 'principal of entrainment’
  • The human body's electrical sensors recognise the re-tuned emissions as being in harmony with its natural healthy state. The body no longer needs to react defensively to emissions from the 'harmonised' device and electro-stress is relieved.


The wireless world has exploded. There are over 7 billion mobile phone subscriptions world wide. We live and work with computers, tablets, and the ever present wi-Fi. All of these devices emit electromagnetic radiation and we are now immersed in it 24 hours a day.


Many scientists & public bodies question the safety of this way of living because there is a significant body of research that indicates low level electromagnetic radiation has a detrimental effect on human health.


Over 80% of studies conclude there is an effect


In 2006 Swiss researchers from Bern University presented the findings of a systematic analysis of all research results concerning the assessment of health risks from mobile telephone frequencies. They found that 33% of studies funded by industrial concerns conclude that exposure to mobile telephone radio frequencies has an effect on our organism. That figure rises to over 80% in studies carried out with public funding.


The precautionary principle


The European Parliament has recommended the Precautionary Principle. "While electrical and electromagnetic fields in certain frequency bands have fully beneficial effects which are applied in medicine, other non-ionising frequencies, be they sourced from extremely low frequencies, power lines or certain high frequency waves used in the fields of radar, telecommunications and mobile telephony, appear to have more or less potentially harmful, non-thermal, biological effects on plants, insects and animals, as well as the human body when exposed to levels that are below the official threshold values.


One must respect the precautionary principle and revise the current threshold values; waiting for high levels of scientific and clinical proof can lead to very high health and economic costs, as was the case in the past with asbestos, leaded petrol and tobacco." Source: Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs. Rapporteur: Jean Huss, Luxembourg 6th May 2011.


15,000-25,000 peer reviewed papers


In May 2015 Associate Professor Olle Johansson, a neuroscientist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and an expert in this area of research was quoted in The Telegraph as saying “If this environment is safe we’re talking about in the order of 15,000 to 25,000 papers – in peer-reviewed scientific journals – all being wrong. That has never happened before.”


Are you suffering from 'electro-stress'?


It is worth considering how high your exposure is. Do you and your family live and work with wi-Fi? How long do you spend on the computer or mobile phone? Do you use cordless DECT phones at home?


It now becomes paramount that we try to reduce or neutralize the levels of electromagnetic radiation that we are being exposed to. If you can turn the wi-Fi off at night and consider turning it off in the day if it is not being used. Switch your mobile phone to airplane mode. Take regular breaks from your computer. Use corded landlines instead of cordless DECT phones.


Long lasting protection


EnergyDOTs will last for years however when using energyDOTS we still recommend that you try and minimise your exposure to EMF's as suggested above.


Buy with confidence knowing that energyDOTS® come with a 90-day money-back guarantee.


Would you like to find and maintain greater vitality, balance and harmony in your life? Do you want to feel more energetic and more alive whilst enjoying the benefits of the technological brilliance all around?


In 2011 WHO quoted a study which looked at cell phone usage up to the year 2004, showing a 40% higher risk of ‘glioma’ brain cancer among very heavy users – people who had been using the phones for at least 30 minutes per day for ten years.

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  • Views: 11962
  • Brand: The Sleep Revolution
  • Product Code: Electromagnetic BioBand+ SmartDot 5G
  • Reward Points: 34
  • Availability: 3
  • 429.00kr
  • Ex Tax: 343.20kr

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Tags: balancing energy, electromagnetic field